Experienced Chartered Physiotherapist
Privacy Policy & GDPR Compliance
We are a Data Controller under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation.
This Privacy Notice explains what Personal Data the practice holds, why we hold and process it, who we might share it with, and your rights and freedoms under the Law.
Types of Personal Data
The Clinic holds personal data in the following categories:
1) Client Registration details.
2) Clinical Records relating to Medical history, treatments & copies of correspondence to Allied Medical Professionals relevant to your medical management.
3) Accounting information relating to invoices and payments.
Why we process Personal Data (what is the “purpose”)
“Process” means we obtain, store, update, and archive data.
Client correspondence data is held for the purpose of providing an appropriate, high quality, safe and effective care and treatment.
We aim to keep the Personal Data we hold about you accurate and up to date. If you tell us that we are holding any inaccurate Personal Data about you, we will delete it or correct it promptly. Please write to me at Physio in Felsted, The Oak, Stevens Lane, Bannister Green, Felsted, Dunmow, Essex, CM6 3NJ, or make an appointment to meet with me, to discuss any inaccuracies or changes that are necessary.
What is the Lawful Basis for processing Personal Data?
The Clinic holds Client data because it is in our Legitimate Interest to do so and without this data, we cannot work effectively. We will process personal data fairly and lawfully, as required by the Data Protection Act.
Client data may also be stored for back-up purposes with our computer software suppliers, who will also store this information securely.
The data we hold is used for several purposes, including:
1.The provision of Physiotherapy treatment, management, and continuity of care.
2.Accounting purposes, including communication and payment requests to Private Healthcare Companies who have authorised physiotherapy treatments between the Client and Physio in Felsted.
3.We store client data for historical clinical analysis and referral information.
4.To deliver any information you request from us; requests must be made in person or by written request.
Hard copy Personal Data is kept securely at the Clinic and out-of-date or unwanted data is securely destroyed (shredded). Soft copy is securely protected by Software security measures.
Who might we share your data with?
We will only share data if it is done securely and it is necessary to do so.
We will not release your information to third parties unless you have agreed to or requested us to do so.
Client data may be shared with other healthcare professionals who need to be involved in your care; for example, if it is appropriate to refer you to a Specialist Consultant, I may need to contact your G.P. and/ or write to the Specialist directly. They may use your details to provide you with information and carry out their obligations arising from any contracts you have entered with them. In some cases, they will be acting as a data controller of your information and therefore we advise you to read their Privacy Policy. These third-party Medical providers may share your information with me, which I will use in accordance with The Clinics Privacy Policy.
We may request your permission to share data, relating to your treatment, and treatment outcomes, with Healthcare Insurance Providers e.g. when requesting funding for more physiotherapy treatment, or in compliance with Auditing, relating to Best Clinical Practice. We may request your permission to share data, relating to the provision and progression of exercise programs, via specialist exercise Software Providers (specifically Rehab My Patient), and video links (WhatsApp, Skype, Messenger, Zoom).
Your Rights
You have the right to be informed about the personal data we hold and why we hold it.
If you would like to access a copy of your data that we hold please contact me at the Clinic. I will acknowledge your request and supply a response within one month.
We maintain up-to-date records and remove inaccurate data. We regularly seek to update client information and you can make any request for updates, as necessary.
You can make a request to have your data erased in certain circumstances.
You can transfer your data to someone else if you tell us to do so and it is safe and legal to do so.
You can tell us not to actively process or update your data in certain circumstances.
How long is your personal data stored for?
We will store Client health data for as long as we are providing care, treatment or recalling clients for further care. We will archive this for as long as is required for legal or insurance purposes, or as recommended by trusted experts; we are legally required to hold clinical records for 7 years.
What if you are not happy or wish to raise a concern about our data processing
You can complain in the first instance to Practice Owner, Louise Hustwayte MCSP, at Physio in Felsted: by phone (01371 821063/ 07958339574) or in writing to: Physio in Felsted, The Oak, Stevens Lane, Bannister Green, Felsted, Dunmow, CM6 3NJ. Louise will do her best to resolve the matter but if this fails, you can complain to the Information Commissioner at www.ico.org.uk/concerns or by calling 0303 123 1113.
Protecting your personal details on our website
This privacy policy is for www.physioinfelsted.co.uk and governs the privacy of its users. The website complies with the new GDPR laws and requirements. Your privacy is taken very seriously, and we are dedicated to handling your information in a secure and responsible manner.
You can visit most of our website without revealing any personal information about yourself. However, there are times when we need to collect information so we can provide the services that you request. We may keep this information in a database.
How we collect personal information
a) Use of cookies
Cookies are small files saved to the hard drive of the user’s device, which track, save, and store information regarding the user’s interactions and usage of the website. This enables the website, through its server, to produce a more tailored experience for site users. “Assumed consent” is used – if the user is unhappy about the use of cookies, they can simply leave the website.
Most modern browsers allow you to control your cookie settings. You can disable them completely by editing your browser settings, however in doing this you may be limiting the functionality that is displayed on our website and also a large population of websites on the internet that use cookies to serve their content.
To learn how to disable cookies on browsers please click here – https://support.google.com/accounts
b) Website analytics
Each time a user visits our website, web analytics software provided by a third party generates an anonymous analytics cookie.
This is for statistical purposes and includes information such as most visited pages, types of browsers used to access our site, technology used, referring sites, IP addresses, geographical and demographic information. The information collected is not linked to any personally identifiable information.
c) Completion of our online forms
We collect information about you when you complete any of our online forms or provide us with feedback. The information we require from you will be indicated on the form as required. It helps us if you provide the other information, we ask for, but you are under no obligation to do so.
How we use personal information
We use your personal information for the following purposes:
– To deliver the information you request
– To enable you to easily contact us, or for us to contact you regarding clinic appointments or marketing activities.
– To provide you with further information from us in the form of latest news, exercise plans, and relevant topics.
We will not sell or disclose any personal information such as your e-mail address to third parties without your prior consent.
How long do we keep your data?
We are required under UK tax law to keep your basic personal data (name, address, contact details) for a minimum of 6 years. Generally, however, such personal data held on the Clinic management system will not be accessed after this time but is likely to be retained.
Clinical records remain the property of the client and at any time a request may be made for a copy of the clinical records. Similarly, a copy of any recorded image e.g. x-rays or laboratory results can be made available to the client.
What are your rights?
You may have access to your personal data held at any time on request. If at any point you believe that the personal information we hold is incorrect, you can request to have it corrected or deleted. Under the GDPR rulings, we would inform our users within 72 hours if any breach of security occurs that might compromise your data.
Opting out
If you no longer wish to receive communications from Physio in Felsted, you can opt out of receiving them by contacting me by phone (01371 821063/ 07958339574) or writing to me direct, sending correspondence to: The Oak, Stevens Lane, Bannister Green, Felsted, Dunmow, CM6 3NJ.
Google Maps
We use Google Maps to give users the opportunity of visiting our business location. Google Maps only uses cookies to enable you to use the functionality of their map software. No personal information is stored on our website using Google Maps.
External Links
Even though this website seeks to provide quality, safe and relevant external links, users ought to apply a policy of caution before following any external web links from this website. Such links are followed at the user’s own risk.
The website owners can neither guarantee nor verify the contents of any externally linked website despite their absolute best efforts. The website owners cannot be held liable for any damages or implications as a result of visiting any external links mentioned.
We encourage you to be cautious and to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects your information.
This privacy statement only applies to information collected on this website.
Social media
Interactions made through external social media services that this website and the Clinic participate with are subject to the terms and conditions as well as the privacy policies held with each social media service.
Users are encouraged to use social media platforms sensibly and with due care and attention in respect of their own privacy and personal details. We will never ask for sensitive information through social media services and encourage users wishing to discuss sensitive details to get in contact through primary communication channels like phoning us or e-mail.