Experienced Chartered Physiotherapist
Integrated Myofascial Release
Soft tissue restrictions can affect the whole body and contribute to pain, stiffness, altered posture and abnormal movement.
Myofascial Release (MFR) is a hands-on soft tissue treatment which uses simple compression and stretching forces to facilitating a ‘letting go’ of the connective tissues (fascia), changing them from tense, painful and dehydrated fibrous bands to relaxed, mobile, lengthened tissues.
My training with MFR UK has included fascial assessment and treatment of the body as a whole and self-help methods for maintaining fascial fitness. Individual iMFT training modules have included assessment and treatment of:
scar tissue
the spine and pelvis, including rib-cage and sacrum
the face and temporo-mandibular joint (jaw)
the abdomen
peripheral joints including shoulders, hips and knees
Research into fascia is gaining international interest and is helping us to understand its properties and function. Fascia can be described as ‘a sheath, a sheet or any number of other dissectible aggregations of connective tissue that forms beneath the skin to attach, enclose and separate muscles and other internal organs’ (Stecco 2015).
MFR can produce changes in how you feel both physically and emotionally and sometimes when we experience a big physical release a mental ‘letting go’ can occur simultaneously. MFR can be used to compliment physiotherapy treatment, providing a holistic approach to treat stubborn and complex conditions. Some conditions which integrated myofascial release can be helped include:
Jaw pain and clicking
Face Pain, Headaches and Migraines
Shoulder pain, shoulder stiffness and Frozen Shoulder
Scar tissue
Neck and Back pain
Sacro-iliac joint and Pelvic dysfunction
Persistent muscle, tendon problems or soft tissue problems
Arm or leg stiffness
Persistent joint stiffness
There are some contraindications to MFR which may mean you are unsuitable to receive this form of treatment. Please take a look at the following list of conditions and advise your therapist if you are pregnant or have any of the following: -
Acute circulatory conditions e.g. D.V.T. or uncontrolled bleeding
Acute Rheumatology conditions
Advanced Diabetes
Advanced degenerative changes
Anticoagulant therapy
Cortisone therapy
Febrile state (fever)
Healing fracture
Open wounds, sutures or stitches
Gynaecological conditions
Systemic or localised infection
Skin Hypersensitivity or inflammatory skin conditions
If you are unsure whether you are suitable to receive integrated myofascial release, please call me on 07958339574 to discuss treatment options.